Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Upcycling Damaged Records

One of the most exciting parts of being a vinyl collector is the thrill of crate digging. Nothing beats sitting down at your record player with a great big stack of new records. Half the time the records aren't the best of quality, but finding that mint condition gem is the most satisfying feeling ever. The problem is, what do you do with those records that you are scared to even let your needle come into contact with? Melt them.
My Record Bowl
Records can be upcycled in many ways. I have tried making bowls with them. That is a lot of fun! These are very easy to make too! All you need to do is:
1. Preheat your oven to 400 °F (204 °C).
2. Place a bowl on a cookie sheet.
3. Center your record on the bowl.
4. Place your objects in the oven.
5. Take the record out as soon as it begins to sag.
6. Shape your record the way you want it using oven mits.
7. Let your record cool and harden.

I use my record bowl to hold a variety of shells I collected on a trip to Hawaii a few years back. I quite like how it flows with the theme of my room.

Record Decoration
If you can't quite get the right shape out of your record bowl, don't sweat it! Find another use for it! Here is an example of how I used a record simply as a decoration.

Fleetwood Mac Black Magic Woman

It was sad to see this record melt because I was quite excited to purchase it. When I got home and played it, the sound quality was awful. I am a big fan of Fleetwood Mac, especially in their Peter Green years. This record was Fleetwood Mac's Black Magic Woman. The reason I decided not to make a record bowl out of this one was because I wanted the label to be visible on such a great record. I am very happy with how both of my upcycling projects turned out.

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